1 on 1 Training
Struggling to get enough ball time during team practices? New to soccer or a seasoned pro seeking extra guidance and training? Or perhaps you're aiming to refine a particular area of your game? You've come to the right place!
Enhance aspects such as:
Overall technique
Situational awareness
Skills in passing, shooting, dribbling, heading, and both offensive and defensive one-on-ones
Confidence and positional understanding
Physical fitness, including speed, balance, coordination, and agility
Proficiency with your weaker foot
Cognitive skills for soccer
Mastery of new techniques
Social interaction, making new friends within the sport, and learning from peers.
If any of these areas resonate with you or you're keen to elevate your game across the board, don't hesitate—book a session with our coaches or explore our training videos in the shop.
Prefer not to train solo? Feel free to bring along a friend or more. Your session can be adapted to a 2-on-1, 3-on-1, or even a 4-on-1.
1090 N. Fiesta Blvd. Suite 101 Gilbert AZ